1 of 1 Blazers
As a community organizer, artist Charles O. Anderson was painting signs for everyone lost to violence in New Orleans. There were over 700 names to paint and each one had to be special. He painted with bright colors, but that wasn't enough. The signs needed to feel alive. That's when he took his dried up paint brushes, dipped them in house paint, and flung the paint as hard as he could. The result was a painting of action, life, and diverse colors. While painting all of the signs like this, he realized he had gotten paint over everything he owned in his apartment, including his new blazer. He decided it looked good enough to wear it out.
Not long after, while walking the New Orleans' streets, people complimented him on his crazy suit. Soon, a man offered $100 to buy the suit blazer off his back. That is when the idea of 1 of 1 Blazers began…