Kitchen Ink Apparel
There’s still so much beauty in this world; let us share a slice of ours with you. Kitchen Ink Apparel was, for all intents and purposes, an accident. Rosin began screen printing in her early 20’s. Back then, she printed patches onto recycled bed sheets and shared them through the San Francisco Bay Area. They were punk, they were political. Many of her early designs were simply gifts for friends, but she started selling them as a means to pay for a life on the road.
Our distinct DIY aesthetic soon found an eager audience at craft fairs and festivals, and before long we were hitting the road and spreading the love to the rest of the country. Our inspiration was everywhere. The nature we saw and the people we met fueled our dreams. From the Pacific Ocean to the Appalachian Mountains, and everywhere in between, we were finding homes. But when we moved to New Orleans, we finally found a place that we wanted to put down roots. In this beautiful, old, and strange city we found community worth fighting for and friends worth sharing our lives’ with.
We believe in community. We believe in growing wild together. Kitchen Ink Apparel is an ode to New Orleans, to friendship, and to following your dreams.
If you happen to be in our neck of the swamp, please visit us in person! Our entire collection is available locally at the various art markets and pop-up shops around New Orleans.